Polished Diamond

The most beautiful thing of a polished diamond is the way it shines, which is caused by the way it breaks so flight and rays reflected them. If you look really carefully you can see all the colors of the rainbow in the reflection. Therefore, a polished diamond is more beautiful than beautiful. It is the emperor of all the gemstones! And that's why jewelers around the world to use diamond jewelry such as rings, crowns, bracelets, earrings, etc.

One thing about diamonds is that many of them are fluorescent. When a diamond is exposed to ultraviolet light, invisible light is converted into visible light. You've probably heard the word ultraviolet weather when the sun shines, but it also emits ultraviolet rays or ultraviolet rays. By entering this ultraviolet (UV) diamonds begin to shine. Over time the color will be blue fluorescent. Along the way, the sun also affects the color of diamonds.

The first diamonds were discovered in India, probably in the eighth century before Christ. It took almost another thousand years (between the first and third century after Christ) before (unpolished) diamonds began to appear in jewelry. At that time did not know how to cut diamonds. It is mainly used as means of payment in trade. Diamonds quickly became a symbol of power, strength and above all, wealth.

As we already mentioned, diamonds grows about 200 km under the Earth's crust. In other words, this beautiful material is not lying about where we can pick it up. Even with the most modern techniques can not dig anything at that depth. Fortunately, Mother Nature gives us a hand from time to time: in fact the volcanoes that upward force of the diamonds to the surface!

Diamonds are found in: Germany, Angola, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, China, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, India, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Venezuela, and South Africa. Canada will soon be another country in the list, as diamond production is growing faster.

Diamond does not rain every time a volcano erupted. It's not as simple as it is in fact quite the opposite! A volcanic eruption causes the temperature to become very hot, so hot that you cannot bear the same diamond. Once temperatures exceed 1,500 degrees Celsius, diamond-like carbon loses its way again. Without protection, all diamonds will crumble and turn back into normal carbon. These precious stones will survive only if the shield protects kimberlite during his trip to the earth's surface.

Each year about 125 million carats (which is 1 / 5 of a gram) are produced. If a diamond is hidden in a coat of kimberlite, then surely it is not too difficult to find: just look for kimberlite, right? Unfortunately, you cannot find it easily kimberlite, and the same goes for diamonds. To find 1 carat diamond you need to move 250 tons of rock, sand and earth. Something like find the needle in a haystack, but ten times worse.