Diamond is a magic word. Evokes images of power and wealth, but it makes you think of the kings, movie stars or treasures. Diamond's story is also one of the adventurers, discoverers, artisans, shopkeepers, doctors, scientists, people in love and even astronauts.
The Greeks and the Romans were already aware of the power of Diamonds. They called Gemstone adamante (Greek) and Adam (Latin), which means "invincible." Since the diamond is the hardest material we know, our word 'diamond' is derived from the words.
Fortunately, there is absolutely unbeatable! Thanks to centuries-old techniques and skills, diamond cutters are able to draw beautiful jewels of the raw material.
A diamond is very expensive and fabulous sums of money that paid for the entire world. Yet, comprises one of the most common elements on earth: carbon.
Carbon is a substance that can be found in all living organisms, including humans, animals and plants, and in many rock types. The stick of graphite in a pencil, for example, is composed of carbon as well as diamonds.
Diamond grows in the womb of the earth, at depths between 150 and 200 kilometers below the earth's surface. However, it only works if there is sufficient carbon and a temperature of not less than 1300 degrees Celsius. Because if the heat and extreme pressure (up to 80,000 kg per square centimeter, which is like ten tons eight semi balanced on the tip of his index), carbon is the same package and reformed in diamonds. Carbon atoms are connected in a special way, creating a lattice. This is the structure that makes the stone harder than diamond.
Diamond is a process of slow growth. Scientists believe it takes about one billion (1,000,000,000) of carbon per year into diamonds. Therefore, the precious stones are cut even today there long before the dinosaurs.
Diamond is very expensive as there is a reason why. There are two important reasons: its hardness and its dazzling beauty. It is difficult to tell how hard a mineral. Terms such as very soft, too hard or very hard not mean much. However, it is possible to compare the hardness? Scratch a rock or a piece of stone with one that does. Then you can see that some minerals are less resistant to scratches than others. For example, the cast can be easily scratched, but it is not steel. Using this scoring method, the scientists give each miner a rating of between one and ten for its hardness. This is called the "Mohs scale of hardness. The diamond is the hardest material - you get 10 out of 10!
Due to its high score, diamond is highly resistant to damage and that is a big plus for precious stones: it is how to maintain their courage and brilliance. Due to its hardness of diamond is also perfect for cutting materials with others. Drilling, bruiting, and sawing. King Diamond is in regard to all other minerals and rocks!
Minerals are a collective name for all inorganic substances, with features that are specific to them. Most minerals have a crystalline form. Gold, silver and coal are examples of minerals.