Today bruters have "super bruters' at its disposal, the machines that appear around a double. Two diamonds also set in DOPS, rotating in opposite directions and the beasts this strip. Only a couple of years ago, the diamond be placed in a traditional lathe. Brüter then the five of diamonds shpae using another bruting diamond on a stick. There winches, all this was done by hand. The two diamonds are placed on a stick and rubbed vigorously yet meticulously against one another. Brüter required to wear leather gloves to protect your hands.
Polishing is the last stage in the process of diamond cutting diamond is now the shape and brightness. Polishing is the creation of small planes on the diamond, which are called facets. This is done in two phases. First, 4 facets are polished at the top (crown) and bottom (pavilion) of the diamonds. The result is what we call the cross work. Then the diamond is brillianteered. This means that extremely accurate polishing of other facets in the work of the cross ribs. To shine your diamond, each facet to be polished at right angle to it, use a polish turns horizontal disk, with oil and diamond dust. There are special pliers adjustable DOPS that enable the position of the diamonds at different angles on the disc.
Polishers working five diamonds at a time, so they need to concentrate very hard. A diamond can lose much of its brightness value or a buff or polish too bad angle. Experts will notice immediately whether or not a diamond polished properly.
When the diamond cutting, centuries of manpower and modern technology go hand in hand. Therefore, the cutters of diamonds are experts at both levels.
As mentioned before, diamond cutters, and especially how the jewel polishers eventually look: the "cut" of the stone. The most famous is the "bright cut", which always consists of 57 facets plus the table, which is the large flat facet on top of the diamond has 32 facets on the crown and 24 in the pavilion. The shape of cut and polished diamond was given name. Other cuts are very popular: marquise, pear, oval, baguette, Emerald, Heart and Princess.
We have already seen a diamond material is rather rare. Requires great effort to mine, then there is still a large amount of work necessary to convert the raw stone a sparkling diamond. But diamond traders, how do you determine the value of a diamond? How do I know, for example, if you want to buy diamonds that are really true? And not a piece of land instead of glass? And now, you know that there are no cracks in the diamond invisible to the naked eye? The answer is the certificate. It is important that both buyers and sellers that such certification, which gives a kind of vital statistics of the diamonds. Prevents surprises.
A diamond does not obtain certification immediately. During a whole week all sorts of expert evidence and examine the stone. Tester, of course, you never know who owns a diamond you're testing. But what exactly is the value of a diamond determined? What do experts test and measurement?
First, it will be authenticity. Diamond possesses a number of properties and features. Absorbs light in a particular way, is a good conductor of heat and has a known specific gravity. All this can be measured with special equipment. Only real diamonds pass the test.
You can test if your mother is real diamond. Take a pen, draw a line on a sheet of paper and place the stone in it. If you cannot see the line in the diamond that the mother is lucky. If you still can see the line, it is likely to be ground glass or something. As a diamond reflects light so strongly, the light cannot penetrate the line and remains invisible.
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Study The Rough Diamonds
The first step is to study the rough diamonds in great detail, which is a rough diamond by a specialist or a marker. You can see on the rough stone and determines how the stone can be cut at its best. He takes into account the structure of the stone and the impurities that are still there. He chooses, for example, make two small stones of a large stone. It is very important that the cuts of the diamonds so that there is so little lost as possible. Finally, the specialist in rough diamonds literally mark the diamond.
The first and oldest form of diamond cutting is called cleaving. Until the Middle Ages this was the only technique. The Indians, Greeks and Romans to study their crowns and jewels with (almost) for rough diamonds. Despite this, they knew that the main support for diamond cutting diamond was ... ..!
Cleaving is the first form of diamond. The irregularities of the crystal and impurities are removed during this phase. Sometimes this means that the needs of a knife to split rocks in two or more pieces, of course taking care not to lose a stone.
Cleaving demands crafts. The diamond rod is fixed with a quick-drying cement. Then take another diamond blade, and uses it for the first nick of diamonds. (In these days often makes a laser that nick as well.) Then put the steel knife blade knife in the nick, and with a strong blow of the hammer, the stone Cleaves.
Artisans often cleaving compare diamond cleaving wood, because, as with wood, it is important to success along the grain.
A laser is confronted with the diamond its worst enemy: heat. The laser beam burns its way through the diamond. Interestingly, a laser beam is not hot in itself: only when the temperatures rise lightning strikes an object.
Diamond sawing is what the word implies: simply that the stone is divided into two parts. But of course this is not done in a disorderly manner. Studies of stone sawyer and should decide which method to use. Otherwise, you could see that the two halves appear to be useless. Could be compared to a carpenter who has to take into account the piece of furniture that will go before a board saws.
When diamonds are sawn, the first stone was placed to the needs: pasta with a special stone is placed in a dop (holder). The diamond cutter of the Declaration of Principles is mounted on a saw. The saw is a saw blade coated with a thin mixture of oil and diamond dust. The speed of rotation of the disk is on average 15,000 revolutions per minute. Sawing is a very slow process of 2 mm per hour at most. It can take days or weeks before a big stone is sawn. Imagine how slow it was in the past, when it was sawn with diamond wire, iron or copper coated with diamond dust. A job for a patient and meticulous craftsmen! In recent years, lasers are frequently used for sawing diamonds, which is actually much faster.
Before polished stones, most of them paid a visit to the Brüter. A diamond will get their first form when bruted. The belt is created - ie, the area that marks the border between the top (crown) and bottom (pavilion) of the diamonds. Brüter the belt becomes a perfect circle. Also, to get rid of the rest of the damage and at the same time limit the loss. Read More......
The first and oldest form of diamond cutting is called cleaving. Until the Middle Ages this was the only technique. The Indians, Greeks and Romans to study their crowns and jewels with (almost) for rough diamonds. Despite this, they knew that the main support for diamond cutting diamond was ... ..!
Cleaving is the first form of diamond. The irregularities of the crystal and impurities are removed during this phase. Sometimes this means that the needs of a knife to split rocks in two or more pieces, of course taking care not to lose a stone.
Cleaving demands crafts. The diamond rod is fixed with a quick-drying cement. Then take another diamond blade, and uses it for the first nick of diamonds. (In these days often makes a laser that nick as well.) Then put the steel knife blade knife in the nick, and with a strong blow of the hammer, the stone Cleaves.
Artisans often cleaving compare diamond cleaving wood, because, as with wood, it is important to success along the grain.
A laser is confronted with the diamond its worst enemy: heat. The laser beam burns its way through the diamond. Interestingly, a laser beam is not hot in itself: only when the temperatures rise lightning strikes an object.
Diamond sawing is what the word implies: simply that the stone is divided into two parts. But of course this is not done in a disorderly manner. Studies of stone sawyer and should decide which method to use. Otherwise, you could see that the two halves appear to be useless. Could be compared to a carpenter who has to take into account the piece of furniture that will go before a board saws.
When diamonds are sawn, the first stone was placed to the needs: pasta with a special stone is placed in a dop (holder). The diamond cutter of the Declaration of Principles is mounted on a saw. The saw is a saw blade coated with a thin mixture of oil and diamond dust. The speed of rotation of the disk is on average 15,000 revolutions per minute. Sawing is a very slow process of 2 mm per hour at most. It can take days or weeks before a big stone is sawn. Imagine how slow it was in the past, when it was sawn with diamond wire, iron or copper coated with diamond dust. A job for a patient and meticulous craftsmen! In recent years, lasers are frequently used for sawing diamonds, which is actually much faster.
Before polished stones, most of them paid a visit to the Brüter. A diamond will get their first form when bruted. The belt is created - ie, the area that marks the border between the top (crown) and bottom (pavilion) of the diamonds. Brüter the belt becomes a perfect circle. Also, to get rid of the rest of the damage and at the same time limit the loss. Read More......
Place to Find Diamond
Basically, there are 2 places where you can find diamonds. The first is in the wells and pipes extinct volcanoes. During a volcanic eruption left behind diamonds in kimberlite, which itself is covered in earth, stone and rock. This is where diamond 'comes to the surface' for the first time. This is called the primary deposit.
Other diamonds are feeding their coats due to erosion, which is the process of gradual destruction through rain, wind, etc. After this, the water drags on riverbeds and sandy coastline. These places are called secondary deposits.
In order to find large diamond companies use heavy machinery, but diamonds are discovered by people working with their hands. In both cases it is a matter of search and persevering.
To know where to find the diamonds is one thing to mine and extract them is quite different. The method used depends first on what kind of place the diamonds have been found in.
Opencast and underground mining are used for diamond mining in primary deposits. An extraordinary example of this type of open-pit mine is the big hole in Kimberley (South Africa), the largest man-made crater in the world and a consequence of the diamond fever. When diamonds were discovered in Kimberley, in the 19th century, many of the miners began to dig around the extinct volcano pipe. Became more and more dangerous, as each miner dug deeper and went to their own pace. Several roads were collapsed and crumbled extraction. When a company acquires control of any mine, this situation comes to an end. When the big hole was closed in 1914, a crater at least 1200 meters deep has been dug. Using open pit mining to be carried out with a shovel and a pick, while today, heavy machinery and explosives are used.
Underground mining is the other primary method of mining deposits, and is similar to the way of the old coal mine work. The diamond layers are reached through underground tunnels and passageways. The layers are scraped or crushed to release large chunks of rock and kimberlite. The pieces are loaded into railroad cars leading to a processing plant, where the pieces of diamond containing gravel and washed until only rough diamonds remains.
Of all rough diamonds are only half of them are 'gem' quality. The other half is used as industrial diamonds. Diamond cutters in turn 50% of gem quality stones to sparkling diamonds in the rough, a job that obviously requires a lot of professional skill and precision. Every little slip or mistake can prove very costly. With the tools we have today, it is possible to polish more diamonds and more accurately. But the diamond cutting process is still based on 4 techniques, use one after another has been known for a long time: cleaving, sawing, and polishing bruting. Read More......
Other diamonds are feeding their coats due to erosion, which is the process of gradual destruction through rain, wind, etc. After this, the water drags on riverbeds and sandy coastline. These places are called secondary deposits.
In order to find large diamond companies use heavy machinery, but diamonds are discovered by people working with their hands. In both cases it is a matter of search and persevering.
To know where to find the diamonds is one thing to mine and extract them is quite different. The method used depends first on what kind of place the diamonds have been found in.
Opencast and underground mining are used for diamond mining in primary deposits. An extraordinary example of this type of open-pit mine is the big hole in Kimberley (South Africa), the largest man-made crater in the world and a consequence of the diamond fever. When diamonds were discovered in Kimberley, in the 19th century, many of the miners began to dig around the extinct volcano pipe. Became more and more dangerous, as each miner dug deeper and went to their own pace. Several roads were collapsed and crumbled extraction. When a company acquires control of any mine, this situation comes to an end. When the big hole was closed in 1914, a crater at least 1200 meters deep has been dug. Using open pit mining to be carried out with a shovel and a pick, while today, heavy machinery and explosives are used.
Underground mining is the other primary method of mining deposits, and is similar to the way of the old coal mine work. The diamond layers are reached through underground tunnels and passageways. The layers are scraped or crushed to release large chunks of rock and kimberlite. The pieces are loaded into railroad cars leading to a processing plant, where the pieces of diamond containing gravel and washed until only rough diamonds remains.
Of all rough diamonds are only half of them are 'gem' quality. The other half is used as industrial diamonds. Diamond cutters in turn 50% of gem quality stones to sparkling diamonds in the rough, a job that obviously requires a lot of professional skill and precision. Every little slip or mistake can prove very costly. With the tools we have today, it is possible to polish more diamonds and more accurately. But the diamond cutting process is still based on 4 techniques, use one after another has been known for a long time: cleaving, sawing, and polishing bruting. Read More......
Polished Diamond
The most beautiful thing of a polished diamond is the way it shines, which is caused by the way it breaks so flight and rays reflected them. If you look really carefully you can see all the colors of the rainbow in the reflection. Therefore, a polished diamond is more beautiful than beautiful. It is the emperor of all the gemstones! And that's why jewelers around the world to use diamond jewelry such as rings, crowns, bracelets, earrings, etc.
One thing about diamonds is that many of them are fluorescent. When a diamond is exposed to ultraviolet light, invisible light is converted into visible light. You've probably heard the word ultraviolet weather when the sun shines, but it also emits ultraviolet rays or ultraviolet rays. By entering this ultraviolet (UV) diamonds begin to shine. Over time the color will be blue fluorescent. Along the way, the sun also affects the color of diamonds.
The first diamonds were discovered in India, probably in the eighth century before Christ. It took almost another thousand years (between the first and third century after Christ) before (unpolished) diamonds began to appear in jewelry. At that time did not know how to cut diamonds. It is mainly used as means of payment in trade. Diamonds quickly became a symbol of power, strength and above all, wealth.
As we already mentioned, diamonds grows about 200 km under the Earth's crust. In other words, this beautiful material is not lying about where we can pick it up. Even with the most modern techniques can not dig anything at that depth. Fortunately, Mother Nature gives us a hand from time to time: in fact the volcanoes that upward force of the diamonds to the surface!
Diamonds are found in: Germany, Angola, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, China, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, India, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Venezuela, and South Africa. Canada will soon be another country in the list, as diamond production is growing faster.
Diamond does not rain every time a volcano erupted. It's not as simple as it is in fact quite the opposite! A volcanic eruption causes the temperature to become very hot, so hot that you cannot bear the same diamond. Once temperatures exceed 1,500 degrees Celsius, diamond-like carbon loses its way again. Without protection, all diamonds will crumble and turn back into normal carbon. These precious stones will survive only if the shield protects kimberlite during his trip to the earth's surface.
Each year about 125 million carats (which is 1 / 5 of a gram) are produced. If a diamond is hidden in a coat of kimberlite, then surely it is not too difficult to find: just look for kimberlite, right? Unfortunately, you cannot find it easily kimberlite, and the same goes for diamonds. To find 1 carat diamond you need to move 250 tons of rock, sand and earth. Something like find the needle in a haystack, but ten times worse. Read More......
One thing about diamonds is that many of them are fluorescent. When a diamond is exposed to ultraviolet light, invisible light is converted into visible light. You've probably heard the word ultraviolet weather when the sun shines, but it also emits ultraviolet rays or ultraviolet rays. By entering this ultraviolet (UV) diamonds begin to shine. Over time the color will be blue fluorescent. Along the way, the sun also affects the color of diamonds.
The first diamonds were discovered in India, probably in the eighth century before Christ. It took almost another thousand years (between the first and third century after Christ) before (unpolished) diamonds began to appear in jewelry. At that time did not know how to cut diamonds. It is mainly used as means of payment in trade. Diamonds quickly became a symbol of power, strength and above all, wealth.
As we already mentioned, diamonds grows about 200 km under the Earth's crust. In other words, this beautiful material is not lying about where we can pick it up. Even with the most modern techniques can not dig anything at that depth. Fortunately, Mother Nature gives us a hand from time to time: in fact the volcanoes that upward force of the diamonds to the surface!
Diamonds are found in: Germany, Angola, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, China, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, India, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Russia, Venezuela, and South Africa. Canada will soon be another country in the list, as diamond production is growing faster.
Diamond does not rain every time a volcano erupted. It's not as simple as it is in fact quite the opposite! A volcanic eruption causes the temperature to become very hot, so hot that you cannot bear the same diamond. Once temperatures exceed 1,500 degrees Celsius, diamond-like carbon loses its way again. Without protection, all diamonds will crumble and turn back into normal carbon. These precious stones will survive only if the shield protects kimberlite during his trip to the earth's surface.
Each year about 125 million carats (which is 1 / 5 of a gram) are produced. If a diamond is hidden in a coat of kimberlite, then surely it is not too difficult to find: just look for kimberlite, right? Unfortunately, you cannot find it easily kimberlite, and the same goes for diamonds. To find 1 carat diamond you need to move 250 tons of rock, sand and earth. Something like find the needle in a haystack, but ten times worse. Read More......
Diamond Story
Diamond is a magic word. Evokes images of power and wealth, but it makes you think of the kings, movie stars or treasures. Diamond's story is also one of the adventurers, discoverers, artisans, shopkeepers, doctors, scientists, people in love and even astronauts.
The Greeks and the Romans were already aware of the power of Diamonds. They called Gemstone adamante (Greek) and Adam (Latin), which means "invincible." Since the diamond is the hardest material we know, our word 'diamond' is derived from the words.
Fortunately, there is absolutely unbeatable! Thanks to centuries-old techniques and skills, diamond cutters are able to draw beautiful jewels of the raw material.
A diamond is very expensive and fabulous sums of money that paid for the entire world. Yet, comprises one of the most common elements on earth: carbon.
Carbon is a substance that can be found in all living organisms, including humans, animals and plants, and in many rock types. The stick of graphite in a pencil, for example, is composed of carbon as well as diamonds.
Diamond grows in the womb of the earth, at depths between 150 and 200 kilometers below the earth's surface. However, it only works if there is sufficient carbon and a temperature of not less than 1300 degrees Celsius. Because if the heat and extreme pressure (up to 80,000 kg per square centimeter, which is like ten tons eight semi balanced on the tip of his index), carbon is the same package and reformed in diamonds. Carbon atoms are connected in a special way, creating a lattice. This is the structure that makes the stone harder than diamond.
Diamond is a process of slow growth. Scientists believe it takes about one billion (1,000,000,000) of carbon per year into diamonds. Therefore, the precious stones are cut even today there long before the dinosaurs.
Diamond is very expensive as there is a reason why. There are two important reasons: its hardness and its dazzling beauty. It is difficult to tell how hard a mineral. Terms such as very soft, too hard or very hard not mean much. However, it is possible to compare the hardness? Scratch a rock or a piece of stone with one that does. Then you can see that some minerals are less resistant to scratches than others. For example, the cast can be easily scratched, but it is not steel. Using this scoring method, the scientists give each miner a rating of between one and ten for its hardness. This is called the "Mohs scale of hardness. The diamond is the hardest material - you get 10 out of 10!
Due to its high score, diamond is highly resistant to damage and that is a big plus for precious stones: it is how to maintain their courage and brilliance. Due to its hardness of diamond is also perfect for cutting materials with others. Drilling, bruiting, and sawing. King Diamond is in regard to all other minerals and rocks!
Minerals are a collective name for all inorganic substances, with features that are specific to them. Most minerals have a crystalline form. Gold, silver and coal are examples of minerals. Read More......
The Greeks and the Romans were already aware of the power of Diamonds. They called Gemstone adamante (Greek) and Adam (Latin), which means "invincible." Since the diamond is the hardest material we know, our word 'diamond' is derived from the words.
Fortunately, there is absolutely unbeatable! Thanks to centuries-old techniques and skills, diamond cutters are able to draw beautiful jewels of the raw material.
A diamond is very expensive and fabulous sums of money that paid for the entire world. Yet, comprises one of the most common elements on earth: carbon.
Carbon is a substance that can be found in all living organisms, including humans, animals and plants, and in many rock types. The stick of graphite in a pencil, for example, is composed of carbon as well as diamonds.
Diamond grows in the womb of the earth, at depths between 150 and 200 kilometers below the earth's surface. However, it only works if there is sufficient carbon and a temperature of not less than 1300 degrees Celsius. Because if the heat and extreme pressure (up to 80,000 kg per square centimeter, which is like ten tons eight semi balanced on the tip of his index), carbon is the same package and reformed in diamonds. Carbon atoms are connected in a special way, creating a lattice. This is the structure that makes the stone harder than diamond.
Diamond is a process of slow growth. Scientists believe it takes about one billion (1,000,000,000) of carbon per year into diamonds. Therefore, the precious stones are cut even today there long before the dinosaurs.
Diamond is very expensive as there is a reason why. There are two important reasons: its hardness and its dazzling beauty. It is difficult to tell how hard a mineral. Terms such as very soft, too hard or very hard not mean much. However, it is possible to compare the hardness? Scratch a rock or a piece of stone with one that does. Then you can see that some minerals are less resistant to scratches than others. For example, the cast can be easily scratched, but it is not steel. Using this scoring method, the scientists give each miner a rating of between one and ten for its hardness. This is called the "Mohs scale of hardness. The diamond is the hardest material - you get 10 out of 10!
Due to its high score, diamond is highly resistant to damage and that is a big plus for precious stones: it is how to maintain their courage and brilliance. Due to its hardness of diamond is also perfect for cutting materials with others. Drilling, bruiting, and sawing. King Diamond is in regard to all other minerals and rocks!
Minerals are a collective name for all inorganic substances, with features that are specific to them. Most minerals have a crystalline form. Gold, silver and coal are examples of minerals. Read More......
Avoid Fake Diamond
So how can you detect a fake diamond? With millions of inconvenience today, one must be extremely careful. Here is an article that can help you avoid fake diamonds.
1. More information about the 4 Cs
There are 4 diamonds languages. C is the first carat weight. The diamonds have a unique weight measurement from other stones. The second C is color. Like how the movie "Blood Diamond" color diamonds with different values. The third C is clarity. How clear is your diamond? Is an indicator of authenticity? C is the final cut.
2. Buy only from reputable jewelry stores
Reduce your chances of being doped in the purchase of a false reality, by selecting jewelry store that has a name. Renowned jewelry stores to protect their commercial interests through the delivery of the goods. The chances of them risking their credibility to the sale of counterfeits are low.
3. Inquire about the authenticity of the stone
Assess the knowledge of the jewelry which encouraged the sale of rock for you. Do you know what you're talking about? Does your speech agree with your foot? the suspect and secure, which is a warning sign. Keep your wallet and take extra precautions with their relationship with him.
4. Check the clarity of the stone
Place the stone on the side of small print, like a newspaper or anything with small print. Try reading through the diamond. If you can, is a positive indicator that the stone has is authentic. A blurred image is not a good sign. Be careful.
5. Check your diamond for scratches
Diamonds are one of the most stones in the world. It is almost indestructible and is very durable. Some use their properties for drilling in hard surfaces. Your stone should not be scratched. Having scratched it is a bad indicator.
6. Ask a weighting scale
Moissanite stones that look very similar to real diamonds weighing twice as much as a real diamond of equal size. Weight is a good measure to determine if the stone you are buying is a fake if you have a diamond the size of equal weight for comparison.
7. Breathe directly on the stone
Ever wonder why jewel appraisers breathe more diamonds in the films? Before use to think it was just to clarify that the stone from dirt, but it has a purpose. If you breathe directly on the diamond, the fog immediately clears appearance. A hazy appearance that lasted more than 5 seconds is a bad sign that the stone is wrong.
8. Inspect mounting and adjustment
Cheap stones are mounted on cheap inferior material. So try to ask the jewelry, if the setting is made of gold and how high is the carat that must be at least 18K. Remember the cheap things from cheap materials.
9. Is diamond jewelry offering a certificate?
Genuine diamonds are authenticated with a certificate by the Gemological Institute. So when you buy a diamond, to request a certificate.
10. Have valued the diamond
Get a second opinion. Have a professional evaluate your stone to confirm its authenticity.
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1. More information about the 4 Cs
There are 4 diamonds languages. C is the first carat weight. The diamonds have a unique weight measurement from other stones. The second C is color. Like how the movie "Blood Diamond" color diamonds with different values. The third C is clarity. How clear is your diamond? Is an indicator of authenticity? C is the final cut.
2. Buy only from reputable jewelry stores
Reduce your chances of being doped in the purchase of a false reality, by selecting jewelry store that has a name. Renowned jewelry stores to protect their commercial interests through the delivery of the goods. The chances of them risking their credibility to the sale of counterfeits are low.
3. Inquire about the authenticity of the stone
Assess the knowledge of the jewelry which encouraged the sale of rock for you. Do you know what you're talking about? Does your speech agree with your foot? the suspect and secure, which is a warning sign. Keep your wallet and take extra precautions with their relationship with him.
4. Check the clarity of the stone
Place the stone on the side of small print, like a newspaper or anything with small print. Try reading through the diamond. If you can, is a positive indicator that the stone has is authentic. A blurred image is not a good sign. Be careful.
5. Check your diamond for scratches
Diamonds are one of the most stones in the world. It is almost indestructible and is very durable. Some use their properties for drilling in hard surfaces. Your stone should not be scratched. Having scratched it is a bad indicator.
6. Ask a weighting scale
Moissanite stones that look very similar to real diamonds weighing twice as much as a real diamond of equal size. Weight is a good measure to determine if the stone you are buying is a fake if you have a diamond the size of equal weight for comparison.
7. Breathe directly on the stone
Ever wonder why jewel appraisers breathe more diamonds in the films? Before use to think it was just to clarify that the stone from dirt, but it has a purpose. If you breathe directly on the diamond, the fog immediately clears appearance. A hazy appearance that lasted more than 5 seconds is a bad sign that the stone is wrong.
8. Inspect mounting and adjustment
Cheap stones are mounted on cheap inferior material. So try to ask the jewelry, if the setting is made of gold and how high is the carat that must be at least 18K. Remember the cheap things from cheap materials.
9. Is diamond jewelry offering a certificate?
Genuine diamonds are authenticated with a certificate by the Gemological Institute. So when you buy a diamond, to request a certificate.
10. Have valued the diamond
Get a second opinion. Have a professional evaluate your stone to confirm its authenticity.
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Buying Diamond Tips (2)

It is likely that buying a diamond ring to intimidate May. You may have no idea what you should be looking out for when buying a ring. Here, let's take a closer look at some things you should consider before deciding to buy a diamond ring.
One thing that can determine how any one is beautiful diamond cut diamond. The most ideal diamond should not be too superficial, because the light faded the bottom, but it should not be too deep because the light escapes at the sides, causing a darker effect. An ideal diamond is reflected all the light it captures.
Carat weight
One thing you need to take into consideration when you decide to buy a diamond is the carat weight. Carat is the weight of the dough on a scale of diamonds, and it really has nothing to do with the actual size of the diamonds. One of the main reasons are as important carats because it is determined what can and can not afford - diamonds with a higher carat weight are more expensive.
How clear a diamond is can also determine how it will be beautiful. Diamonds, which are the most obvious, tend to be more expensive, as are most in demand. Are a set of standards that are used to describe the clarity of a diamond. For example, FL, IF diamonds are the clearest there are. Very few diamonds have absolutely no flaws. They are more expensive. 11, 12 and 13 are less clear-cut diamonds, as well as less expensive.
Another very important factor of the diamond is its color. For color, we mean what they seem to have a touch. There is a scale in which diamonds may fall on the colors. For example, diamonds that are among the range of D and F are colorless. Diamonds which fall within G and J are near colorless. Diamonds between K and N are faint yellow. Diamonds from O and R are very light yellow, while the diamonds between T and Z are light yellow. "Fantasy" colored diamonds, which can be found on the color scale between Z and to include bright yellows, pinks and blues. Normally, most of the diamonds somewhere in between the colors of light yellow and faint yellow.
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